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Charitable Initiatives

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This is Sri Lanka Poster Collection

"This is Sri Lanka" is a social media campaign that we initiated in March 2019, which entailed us using all our savings to travel across Sri Lanka for a year before we began our lives in the corporate world.

What was to follow was the stuff of dreams. Our series which at the time was essentially a hobby, was commended by the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, adapted by the largest hospitality brand in the country and is now aired on prime time TV in addition to it being viewed by over 3,000,000 people the world over.


Our mission remains steadfast since day 01, showcase what the country has to offer to the world.

We are a part of an active and ongoing campaign that aims to highlight unchartered locations and experiences all around the island. We are privileged to work with valuable partners who enable us to continue our mission whilst creating engaging content as our day jobs.


By selling our first line of merchandise we hope to take on a more independent approach to the kind of content we create focusing on what we feel would be most impactful to our audience.


By purchasing this line of merchandise you will support us in continuing our work to support Sri Lankan tourism in our own capacity.


Shenelle Rodrigo & Shehaan Thahir

Co-Founders - :This is Sri Lanka"

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